Beat the summer heat
Life Care Center of Ocala

Beat the summer heat

Summertime is here. Though it is the season of outdoor activities, barbecues, and sunshine, it can also be the season of heat disorders and stifling heat. Keep the heat at bay by staying cool with helpful tips from The National Weather Service.

There are many ways to avoid heating disorders. It is important to think of your health and others' by maintaining good summer safety techniques.

  • Avoid the heat.

You can escape the heat by spending time indoors and allotting time to stay cool. Staying two hours in the air conditioning a day can reduce your hazard of heat-related sicknesses. If air conditioning is not available, stay in areas in your home that are out of the sunlight.

  • Dress to relieve heat stress.

When deciding your wardrobe for summer outings, keep in mind your health and skin. Wearing loose-fitting clothes to protect yourself if you easily sunburn. A sunburn slows the skin’s ability to cool itself and using sunscreen with a high SPF will protect you from it. If you wear lightweight, light-colored clothing that reflects heat and sunlight. This will help regulate a normal body temperature.

  • Drink and eat FOR the heat.

There is a right and wrong way to nourish yourself before going out in the summer heat. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and drinks with a lot of caffeine in them. Alcohol and caffeine can compress blood vessels near the skin, and this will reduce the amount of heat the body can release. This can cause further dehydration. For hydration, drink plenty of water and natural juices. Always consult a doctor on your fluid intake.

As for eating, it is recommended to eat smaller meals before going outside. Foods that are high in protein increase metabolic heat and should be avoided.

  • Protect children from the heat.

Children have sensitive skin and need sunscreen to protect them from UV rays.

Remember to always avoid leaving children in a closed vehicle. Temperatures can rise to over 140 degrees in just 30 minutes on a summer day. Even though this is a common rule, deaths from overheating have occurred almost every summer when a person leaves a child in a closed vehicle.

  • Help your pets remain cool.

Like humans, your pets can feel just as hot as you do when the summer heat wave hits. Just like with children, do not leave your pets in a closed vehicle. Make sure your animals have a shady area outside with a full, cold and clean bowl of water. Dogs and cats cannot tolerate the heat very well because they cannot sweat, and their bodies get hot and stay hot. Avoid walking them on hot pavement because they can get blisters on their paws.

It is always wise to consult your primary care physician and to learn more about heating disorders and how to avoid them. Following these steps will help you stay cool in the extreme heat.

Life Care Center of Ocala

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Life Care Center of Ocala

(352) 873-7570

2800 SW 41st St., Ocala, FL 34474

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